Thursday, June 23, 2011


Most people fear admitting weakness. We don't want people to see are faults or think we are actually bad at something. So what do we do? Ignore it. Maybe we even avoid being in situations where we need that skill altogether, maybe we miss out on some pretty awesome stuff just so we don't have to show weakness.

My biggest weakness in lifting is my upper body. I'm very proud of my lower-body lifts and I am constantly progressing. However, I do not feel the same way about my upper-body. I've really been struggling. But should I let my weak upper body keep me from doing well as a competitive RAW Powerlifter? NO! I've adjusted my training weights and added assistance exercises to try and get stronger. Right now, I'm lifting embarrassingly small weight for my strict press, but I don't care. I am doing it to build strength and allow me to progress. I am going to do what I need to do to work on my weakness so my weakness does not hold me back.

What weaknesses are holding you back?

Wednesday Training Log - Light Day

 Foam Roller and lots of Stretched - I was soar from Monday

Clean 6X2 @100lb
Front Squat 3X3 @110lb
Press 2X5 @ 56lb
Assisted Ring Dips 3X4

More Stretching

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