Sunday, June 19, 2011

Size 6

About 6 months ago I changed my focus. I stopped caring so much about being super lean and started caring about being super strong. Needless to say, this focus change brought on weight gain. As a normal body conscious young female, this has not been easy for me. About a month ago, I discovered that not a single pair of jeans I owned fit me. I resorted to wearing sweatpants and gym shorts everyday because that was all I could fit into. Fortunately, as a college student my new grungy attire worked just fine.

Last week, I found myself in the working world full-time and gym short wardrobe wasn't going to cut it. I went to the mall for some much needed shopping and found myself completely frustrated trying to find myself a pair of jeans. I started with 3's. I used to be a 00 so a size 3 should be fine, right? Apparently not. Size 6. That's where I landed.

Frustrated and tired I went home, made some lunch, relaxed for a bit, then started my workout. All of a sudden my size no longer mattered. I had work to do. I killed it. I repped weight that I couldn't have imagined repping 6 months ago. As part of my workout, I worked up to a 1 rep max clean and managed to get up 25 lbs more than the last time I tested just 4 months ago. I was freaking out. I was stuck at a 95 lb clean forever and could not get more up. I finally met my goal of 120 lb clean...body weight clean here I come.

BTW, I would not trade in my size 6's for that moment....ever.  

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