Thursday, December 22, 2011

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas...

Last Christmas I gained 15/20 lbs. This Christmas, while its not over yet, I am down 5% body fat from the begining of the month. So what's the difference? This year I have a plan.

It is really easy to let the holidays take control over everything. Your time, your diet, your paycheck. But like everything, if you go in with a real concrete plan, you are way more likely to succeed. For the month of December, I cleaned up my diet and decided how I am going to eat at which parties. Not that I won't have a treat or two this holiday season, but I refuse to eat a dozen cookies just because they are there. I'll report back on January 1st to let you know if my planning worked!

Below was today's workout, stay tuned for my Christmas Eve Double header!

 Workout Log 12/22

Warmup - dynamic stretching, light kb swings

Light Squat, 4X5, worked up to 125 lbs

3 warmup sets
3@ 45 lbs
3@ 55 lbs
7@ 61 lbs

Deadlift worked up to 1X5 @ 175 lbs

10 Min
10, 55 lb Swing at the top of every minute
Minutes 1 - 5 were crazy easy, minutes 6 - 10 were KILLER!

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