Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dan's Chocolate Mousse

This is a recipe I created yesterday that is awesome!The servings are not large, but they are very rich. You really only need that much, believe me. Each serving has about 8 carbs, so it will satisify your chocolate cravings without ruining your diet and training. Dan wanted me to make sure that everyone knows that it was his idea :)

Dan's Chocolate Mousse

4 Eggs
6 Oz. Unsweetened Chocolate
1 Shot Espresso
½ cup milk
¼ cup stevia (I used Truvia)

1. Melt chocolate and espresso in a double boiler.
2. Add the milk and stevia. Stir until smooth. Then remove from the heat.
3. Separate the egg yolks and egg whites.
4. Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form.
5. Beat the eggs yolks.
6. Add a spoonful of the chocolate mixture to the egg yolks and stir well.
7. Add the egg yolks to the chocolate mixture and beat until smooth.
8. Fold the chocolate mixture into the egg whites.
9. Pour into 8 serving dishes and put in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or until set. 

Wednesday - Light Day
Snatch 6X2 @ 70
Front Squat 3X3 @ 115
25 lb Weighted Pushups 2X5
Assisted Ring Dips 3X5

Friday - Max Effort Day
Squat: Work up to 3RM of 180
Pres: Work up to 3RM of 70
Ring Pull Ups 6X2

3 95 lb sled drags
2 115 lb sled drags
1 135 lb sled drags

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