Monday, February 13, 2012

Going Grain Free

I made a very major change to my diet this week.

I decided to go grain free because I have been very frustrated with my diet. I have been getting gassed out during my workouts, been grumpy during the day, and have lacked energy. This is not a fun way to be. My husband has been feeling the same way. Now he and I have tried all sorts of diets and have experience success with many of them. Zone, Paleo, Low-Carb, counting calories, counting name it, we've tried it. One night, we were lying in bed and I asked him which diet made him feel the best (romantic, right?). He said he didn't know and then asked me the same question. I said I didn't know. But,we both new and didn't want to admit it.


The concept of paleo is to eat like the original people ate. Meat, fruit, nuts, vegetables and that's it. Right now, we aren't eating super strict. We are allowing some dairy and potatoes and will reevaluate in a couple of weeks.

Honestly, I feel great. I challenge you to go grain free for a week and see how you feel!